Did you know…? Beverage coasters can boost sales by almost 35%

Newsletter #3 | Did you know...?Beverage coasters can boost sales by almost 35%A coaster may come across merely as a convenient product at first, but the truth is that it’s the perfect marketing tool for combining placement and messages in a cozy atmosphere. An...

An interview with Markus Fehrenbach

Newsletter #3 | An interview with Markus Fehrenbach“Our board is a true all-rounder with hidden talents”Name: Markus Fehrenbach Job title: Product Development Manager Hobbies: Model railroading, cycling trips and tours, and cooking with his wife Age: 55 Joined KATZ...

Stiegl and KATZ

Newsletter #3 | All around the product​“After the glass you drink from, beverage coasters are the most important advertising tool we have in the hospitality industry”Together with his team, Stiegl Head of Purchasing Thomas Reuter is responsible for everything that...

Sustainable all around: Our beverage coasters are a recyclable product

Newsletter #2 | SustainabilitySustainable all around: Our beverage coasters are a recyclable productHere at KATZ, we don’t limit ourselves to linear thinking. And that should come as no surprise, as we’re part of a circular value chain that goes from raw materials, to...

An Interview with Alexander Braun

Newsletter #2 | An interview with Alexander Braun“In order to get a premium coaster with the best possible properties, you need wood as your raw material”Name: Alexander Braun Job title: Head of Board Production Hobbies: Spending time with his family, playing on his...